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Hi, I'm Kris



They say to never trust people with two first names, well, I guess that's rough for me because... Kris... Tom.  Anyways,  I am a Second-Year Health Studies student from Brampton, Ontario hoping to pursue a career in the medical profession. I am the oldest of three siblings so trust me when I say I have been forced to mature at a very early age. Now at Western, you can find me spending most of my time studying at HSB or in line to get my daily dose of Iced Coffee from Tim Hortons.  



In High School I was a part of many clubs/organizations including:

- DPCDSB Student Trustee (2018-2019 school year)
- Student Voice Representative for High School
- President of Debate Team at NDCSS
- Peer Mentor Coordinator for NDCSS.
- Ontario Model Parliament: Minister of the Environment
- President of the Canadian Catholic Youth Movement 
- Campaign Manager for Local Trustee during election time.

Throughout my time here at Western, I continue to try and be an active citizen through my involvement as:


- Health Studies USC Councillor

- Vice-Chair for Student Experience Standing Committee

- Former Residence Soph at Saugeen

- Former Vice-President of Promotions at Saugeen-Maitland Hall

- Former First Year Health Studies Representative 
- Former Standing VP Academics for Health Studies Students’           Association
- Research Assistant for Health Studies lab.


Turning the page


This year is a year of opportunity. A year where we have no idea of what September will look like, whether we can gather with our family and friends for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and if Halloween would even be a thing. With all of these uncertainties in the air, we need to focus on what we can control and that is our individual behaviour and reinventing our campus to become our home once again. 2020 will not be forgotten because it is a year we all learned so much - and one of those things is the unparalleled power of human connection.


Turning the page to the 2021-22 school year with hopes of returning back to campus leaves me wondering what I should prioritize as potential President, but honestly my priorities do not change, just the methodology of execution might. That being said, whether we see each other virtually or on campus next year - I will be your advocate. I will run events that you want to see run and I most importantly I will always listen. 


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